The Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) audit has commenced and will examine sampled claims from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. Providers with a sampled claim will receive a medical record request letter from NCI Information Systems, Inc., and are required to submit all requested claim medical records and documentation. The first request letters are expected in late March or early April. Providers have 30 days from date of receipt of notice to submit required claims medical records and adjoining documentation to NCI Information Systems, Inc. If additional information is needed, providers have 14 days from the date of receipt of notice to send in the information. DVHA will enforce a 10% withholding from all providers that do not submit the required medical record and adjoining documents within 30 days or the additional documentation within 14 days.In early March, providers with a sampled claim may be contacted by a state representative to confirm the correct contact information prior to the request letters going out. Please see for more information.