VPA has, for several years, promoted prescriptive authority for doctorate-level psychologists with advanced training (known as RxP). We are making progress on advocating for this important tool in addressing the shortage of psychopharmacology prescribers in Vermont.
We have introduced a bill, H.428, this year (2023) with enhanced education and training requireements, as requested by the Vermont Board of Psychological Examiners. We are hopeful the Board of Psychological Examiners will vote to support this new bill at its next meeting, which would put RxP in a good position to be passed this session or next session.
We anticipate the RxP bill will be taken up for testimony by the House Committee on Health Care very soon. We expect strong opposition, in particular from the Vermont Medical Society, but we believe the groundswell of support we’ve gathered will prevail and help us continue the process into 2024 for ultimate passage.