Board of Directors
The VPA Board of Directors sets policy for the Association and provides oversight of Association’s business and activities. The full Board meets 6 times per year (approximately every other month), and the Executive Committee, composed of the president, vice-president, treasurer, and past president, meets in the months the Board does not. There are 7 elected positions on the Board: president, vice-president, treasurer, ethics committee chair, and 3 members at large; each serves a two-year term. In addition, the APA Council Representative (elected every 3 years by VPA members who are also members of APA) is, by virtue of that office, a member of the Board. The remainder of Board members are standing committee chairs appointed by the board president annually. If you are interested in participating on the VPA Board of Directors, or have additional questions about the Board’s role in VPA, please contact our Executive Director at

Danielle Bergeron Ingram
President, Continuing Education Committee Chair
Danielle was previously a psychologist in the Developmental Services Division of Rutland Mental Health, Inc., where she conducted psychological assessments and provided crisis counseling for children and adults on the autism spectrum, intellectual disabilities and other developmental, medical and mental health disorders. She currently heads a private group practice in Middlebury.

Karen J. Hack, Psy.D.
Vice-President, Diversity & Social Justice Committee Chair
Dr. Hack is a psychologist and retired from Northeast Kingdom Human Services after working there for 26 years in Newport and St. Johnsbury. At the time she retired, Dr. Hack was the early childhood program director for the Children, Youth, and Family Services. She is the mother of two wonderful daughters, ages 17 and 26. Children’s issues and diversity issues have been particular interests of Dr. Hack.

Jeffrey D. McKee, Psy.D.
Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair
Jeffrey D. McKee is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Community Health Centers of Burlington. For more than 20 years he has been leading the development of integrated mental health, substance abuse and medical services through his work with community mental health, hospital and primary care organizations in Vermont. He has served on numerous statewide committees related to the provision of mental health and substance abuse services. He has also served on the Vermont Psychological Association since 2018, first as Vice President and later as President through 2020.

Richard T. Barnett, Psy.D., M.S.
Legislative Committee Chair
A past president of VPA, Dr. Barnett is a clinical psychologist and addiction specialist in private practice in Stowe, Vermont. His past experience includes clinical work at Deer Oaks Behavioral Health and Mt. Sinai Medical Center (New York), and the Hazelden Foundation. He is president of CARTER, Inc., which manages a grant for treatment of problem gambling in Vermont and serves on a number of boards and advisory groups in Vermont. Dr. Barnett is a past president of APA Division 55, the Society for Prescribing Psychology, and is the founder and president of the Vermont Psychedelic Society.

Adam M. Grundt, Ph.D.
Ethics Committee Chair
Dr. Grundt has previously served as a psychologist in various roles at organizataions such as Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, the Hazelden Center, and Drexel University College of Medicine. He is currently in private practice in Burlington, and has been a member of the VPA Ethics Committee since 2020.

Ronald L. Hedgepeth, Ph.D.
Member at Large
Dr. Hedgepeth spent his early career in New York City and moved to Vermont in 2006. He is currently a staff psychologist in the inpatient psychiatry department and the Behavioral Health Clinic. He also has a small private practice in neuropsychological assessment.

Ben Stillman, Psy.D.
Member at Large
Dr. Ben Stillman graduated from the University of Virginia in 1998 and received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Loyola University in Maryland in 2005. Ben completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Georgia State University, where he worked in the student counseling center. In his career, he has trained and supervised clinicians and taught graduate level counseling students.
Ben’s practice has been in a variety of treatment settings including outpatient, inpatient, and residential treatment settings providing care for diverse populations with diverse clinical needs–from severe, acute mental illness to people who are working on their own development, improving wellness, and addressing their own unique growing edges. Dr. Stillman is currently in private practice in Manchester.

Lynda L. Marshall, J.D.
VPA Executive Direcctor
Lynda joined VPA as Executive Director in July of 2017, bringing a wealth of experience in risk management, operations, human resources, consulting, communications, and administration. Lynda practiced law for nearly 15 years, both in New Orleans, Louisiana, and in Vermont, focusing on labor and employment issues. She has also worked in executive management for several Vermont companies, such as the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps and Lamoille County Mental Health Services, where she was the Human Resources Director and a member of the senior leadership team from 2013 through 2016. Lynda graduated from the University of South Alabama with a bachelor’s degree in computer science/management information systems, and earned her juris doctor degree, magna cum laude, at The University of Alabama, where she was a member of The Alabama Law Review.