VPA News
Decision Aids for Clinical Practice Guidelines Now Available
APA recently published a set of decision aids to accompany each of its existing clinical practice guidelines (PTSD in Adults, Obesity and Overweight in Children and Adolescents, and Depression in Children/Adolescents, Adults, and Older Adults). The decision aids are...
Department of Vermont Health Access: January/February 2022
No Surprise Billing Act
As of January 1, 2022, psychologists and other licensed health care providers will be legally required to provide uninsured patients with a "good faith" estimate of costs for services that may be provided. The goal of the act is to prevent patients from receiving...
Vermont RxP Update
From Dr. Rick Barnett: We are awaiting the report from our Office of Professional Regulation. In the Fall of 2021, they conducted the first ever Sunrise Review process, which included public hearings/comments, and testimony from opponents and proponents. While...
Update from 2021 Legislative Session
PSYPACT (H.391): Our advocates in Montpelier are in communication with the lead sponsor for PSYPACT, Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky (P - Chitt), although the bill was not taken up this year. Our advocates report there is a good chance of progress next session because...
Protect Telehealth Access Through Medicare
We urge Vermont health care providers and all Vermonters to reach out to Senators Sanders and Leahy, and Representative Welch to encourage them to protect access to care through telehealth for Medicare patients. You can click on this link (from APA) to...
Telephone Healthcare Services
S.117, a bill that would expand access to healthcare for Vermonters by requiring that insurance plans and the Medicaid program provide coverage for telephone healthcare services, passed both the House and Senate and now awaits approval from the governor. This proposal...

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